Prekindergarten Curriculum

What is PreKindergarten?
School Readiness: Preparing young leaders for educational success. Students do this by exploring how a school and classroom environment looks like.
5 Developmental Domains
- Cognitive
- Social Emotional
- Language & Literacy
- Physical
- Math & Science
Cognitive Development
Cognitive Development is expanding the child’s thinking by
- asking questions
- starting conversations
- and engaging in play
Social Emotional Development
Students learn how to
- cope with emotions
- identify emotions
- learn how to calm oneself
- express feelings
Physical Development
Students develop their gross motor and fine motor skills.
- Gross Motor: Using entire body for big movements, such as running, jumping, kicking, throwing a ball, and balance.
- Fine Motor: Using hands and fingers for small movements, such as finger grip, zipping, tying shoes, and beading.
Math and Science Development
Students spend time learning
- numbers
- how to count in order
- basic shapes and patterns
- how to use basic tools such as rulers and measuring cups
- how to do hands-on science experiments